Bean's Senior Care... Because every dog, no matter their age, deserves love

Please click the links below to see Shannon in action at her doggie daycare called Maggie's Playhouse located in Fallon, Nevada.
Shannon has spent more than a decade working with dogs teaching them manners and basic obedience. Her philosophy is the better behaved the dog, the better the chance of them NOT ending up in a shelter. She tirelessly spends over five days a week working with an average of 70 dogs per day for twelve hours a day. Her strategies include Ceasar Milan's as well as her own. Watch the videos below to see her in action. Dogs always go back home with their owners happy and tired with a little more training under their fur. Shannon heads home with many dogs of her own, 1/3 which are seniors no one wanted from the shelters.
Shannon in Action...
Maggie's Playhouse Videos and More
Donate for our current seniors in need...

To see our monthly costs, please visit the page with itemized needs here.

How Do I Sponsor?
Pick which dog you are interested in helping. You can donate a dollar a month or more! Every penny counts. Some of the dogs are on the same food, need vaccinations at the same time and are on the same medicine. However, some of the dogs have special needs. If you want your donation to go to food, vet care or anything the senior needs, just let Shannon know. She is dedicated to your wishes helping the dogs. To Sponsor a Dog, click on the donation button. Put in the memo which dog you are supporting and what you want your funds to go towards. For those who make donations of $20 a month or more, a tax-deductible receipt will be provided. While all donations are appreciated, due to the number of seniors and other dogs cared for, time must be prioritized. Those who donate larger amounts are able to obtain an appreciable tax donation amount to write off in their taxes.
Before I donate, I have a few questions...
Where do the senior dogs come from?
The old dogs are found at shelters and the Humane Society. Shannon drives or calls the facilities to find out what seniors are in their care and are not able to find a home due to a lack of interest in those dogs from the community. Not many people want a dog that looks scared in a shelter, sitting in poop, blind or have any other condition that makes them"high maintenance" or "costly" to own. Those are the dogs typically found in Shannon's care. She seeks for those "unwanteds" that still deserve love and care and that still have a zest for life!